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"Therefore let us move beyond the elementary teachings about Christ and be taken forward to maturity, not laying again the foundation of repentance from acts that lead to death, and of faith in God"

~Hebrews 6:1 (NIV)

Read the Word

The Bible is essential for knowing God and His will for our lives. The book of Romans tells us there are certain things we can know about God from general revelation. Without Scripture people can know about God’s power and divine nature by examining creation (Romans 1:20). They also know God’s law because it is written on their hearts (Romans 2:14–15) but they cannot know God's will nor his person.


There are many translations and numerous places to start. While there is no perfect translation, we recommend you choose a Bible that is easy for you to understand and is faithful to the original text of the Bible. To sample some of today’s popular translations, you can go to websites such as or Here are some printable bookmarks that include daily scripture to get you started (adapted by



Each of us has been gifted by God with unique talents, abilities, and passions. We want to help you to learn and use those gifts. One of the ways to discover your gifts is through a Spiritual Gifts Assessment. The assessment normally takes about 20 minutes to complete, and your results will be emailed to you. Once your assessment is complete, we encourage you to browse our recommendations for serving opportunities at OCC that are unique to your gifts.


The special ability to serve God by organizing, administering, promoting, and leading various affairs of the church.


          Recommended Serving Opportunities: Office Administration, Growth Group Leader, Welcome Center, Family                                                                                 Registration, Usher



As an evangelist, you have the desire to serve God by leading people who are beyond your natural sphere of influence to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.


           Recommended Serving Opportunities: Greeter, Usher, Worship, Prayer Team, Youth Leader, Welcome Center,                                                                                  Production, Children's Church Ministry, Nursery Worker



You have the ability and desire to serve God by motivation others to action by urging them to pursue a course of conduct. You reach out and help Christians become more mature.


          Recommended Serving Opportunities: Greeter, Usher, Growth Group Leader, Marriage Mentor, Prayer Team,                                                                                   Welcome Center, Youth Leader, Worship


As a giver, you have the spiritual gift to serve God by giving of your material resources, far beyond tithe, to further the work of God. You have a strong desire to meet the financial needs of your fellow Christians and church members.


          Recommended Serving Opportunities: Financial Peace University Facilitator, Growth Group Leader, Marriage                                                                                   Mentors, Building Committee


As a mercy-shower, you have the gift and desire to serve God by identifying with and comforting those who are in distress. You are willing to deal with and minister to people who have needs that most people feed very uncomfortable working with.


          Recommended Serving Opportunities: Church Care, Children's Ministry, Greeter, Growth Group Leader,                                                                                           Marriage Mentor, Prayer Team, Youth Leader, Worship Team,                                                                                                Media/Sound Team



As a prophet, you have the ability to see that which is wrong. You have the desire to serve God by proclaiming His truth. You have the ability to see goals and future plans for the church body.


          Recommended Serving Opportunities: Growth Group Leaders, Worship, Prayer Team, Marriage Mentor



As a server, you have the desire to serve God by rendering practical help in both physical and spiritual matters.


         Recommended Serving Opportunities: Greeter, Ushers, Church Care, Office Administration, Setup, Tear Down,                                                                                Welcome Center, Security, Production, Media/Sound Team



As a shepherd, your gifts and ability to serve God are through overseeing training, and caring for the needs of a group of Christians.


           Recommended Serving Opportunities: Children's Church Ministry, Growth Group Leader, Youth Leader,                                                                                            Nursery Worker, Prayer Team, Worship Team



As a teacher, you have the desire to serve God by making clear the truth of God's words with accuracy. You communicate knowledge, guide others, and make facts known.


         Recommended Serving Opportunities: Children's Church Ministry, Nursery Worker, Youth Leader, Welcome                                                                                      Center, Prayer Team, Growth Group Leader, Marriage Mentor



Contact Us


Osceola Community Church

The Church of Second Chances



2492 Education Avenue

Osceola, WI 54020


Open in Google Maps


Office Hours



8:00 AM-4:00 PM


Closed Saturday​

Sunday 9 AM-Noon




10 AM Service

      Nursery (Ages 0-2)

      Children's Church (3 years-Kindergarten)

      Truth Seekers (Grades 1-5)​






Service Times​


Sundays at ​​​10 AM
​LIVE Stream @ 10 AM

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